A responsive government is one that hears what people have to say and responds to the identified needs and issues. What sort of tools or methods can help people have their say? How can we reach a wide range of people with diverse views and experiences?

Some ideas we’ve received online about how government can better hear what New Zealanders think can be found by following this link, and a few more here.

This Challenge closed on 28 July 2021. 

The next step in developing our fourth Open Government Partnership National Action Plan is working with our Expert Advisory Panel, civil society groups, and others to identify which areas we might develop commitments in.

We’ve received a huge number of ideas in workshops, through our online channel and directly via email, which we will pull together and share. Keep an eye on https://ogp.org.nz/new-zealands-plan/fourth-national-action-plan to see what New Zealanders have been telling us!

0 ideas